Lamberto Re was born in Ancona, September 24th, 1950.
Married, three sons.
Mail info@lambertore.com
First year at the Medical Faculty of the University of Ancona in 74/75.
MD in 1983 discussing the thesis “Electrophysiological profiles and classification of beta-blockers and purinergic agents on the frog neuro-muscular junction”. State Session in November 1983.
1973 – 1979 Student in the Pharmacological Department of the University of Ancona, Medical School.
1979 – 1989 Researcher Technician till 1989.
1989 … Included in the Disciplinary Group n. 70 by the Official National Commission since 22nd June, 1989.
Teaching Professor at the Regional School of Dental Health Care in 89/90, completed the three years course.
Teaching Professor of “Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology” in the Medical School of the Ancona University with Rector Decree n. 001088 since 93/94.
Teaching Professor of “Pharmacological Biotechnology” in the Science School of the Ancona University with Rector Decree n. 000460 since 94/95.
Expert of basic experimental techniques in Pharmacology such as in-vitro assays and in-vivo experimental Toxicology. Responsible of the Electrophysiological Section of the Pharmacology Department at the University of Ancona, Medical School. In collaboration with Dr Walter Stuhmer and Dr. Erwin Neher of the Max Plank Institute in Gottingen, is expert in the techniques of the Loose Patch Clamp and Patch Clamp.
Participated at a “Working Stage Training” held at the FIDIA-Georgetown Institute for the Neuroscience, Georgetown University Medical School of Washington (USA) in the year 1990.
Invited by the Editorial Board of the Archives of Medical Research to be included in the International Editorial Committee since July 1994. Referee of the following international journals: Life Sciences (Pharmacology Letters), Pharmacological Research, General Pharmacology, Archives of Medical Research, Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods, Chemical Biology, Drug Design.
Invited at the Workshop “Research on Pharmacological Active Tissues Transplantes with Therapeutic Goals” held at the IMSS of Mexico DF in June, 3-4 1994.
Invited as Copresident and Italian Representative at the “Seminario Internacional de Histoterapia Placentaria en Dermatologia” held in Havana, Cuba, October 23-27 1995.
Invited at the III International Course on Receptors held at the University of Chile, Medical School of Santiago, April 23-26, 1996 participated to the Conference with a communication on the molecular mechanisms of neuro-release and proposed seminars to the Students of the Medical School.
Invited at the Ist International Congress of the Cuban Pharmacological Society held in Havana, 19-23 October 1998. President of the Symposium on “Pulmunar Surfactant and its impact on neonatal mortality”.
Participated to the Congress on the definition of the guidelines in Ozone-Therapy held in Padua, IT, from 21st to 22ndSeptember, 2001.
Invited at the 15th International Congress of the International Ozone Association held in London, UK, 10th 15thSeptember 2001 participated as Chairman and with an oral presentation to the Workshop.
Invited by the Department of Health and Medical Services (DOHMS) of Dubai, UAE, where participated to an epidemiological pilot study for the evaluation of the therapeutic potential of oxygen-ozone mixtures. The study started in September 2002 at the Governmental Rashid Hospital, P.O. Box : 4545, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Mobile in Dubai 0097 150 8491728.
Invited as Senior Expert at the Complementary and Alternative Medicine Evidence Based Medicine, held in Dubai October 6th 2004 at the Al Amal Hospital, Jumeira, Dubai.
Invited as Chairman at the Arab Health 2005 Congress, Complementary Medicine Conference, held in Dubai February, 12nd 13rd 2005.
Invited as Honorary Member of the Cuban Pharmacology Society at the “VI Congress of Pharmacology and Therapeutics” held in Santiago de Cuba from 21 till 25 of November 2005.
Invited as Speaker at the 4° European Course ECM “Chirurgia miniinvasiva del rachide: impieghi dell’ozono” (minimally invasive surgery of the spine: ozone challenge) Treviso February, 24-25 2006.
Invited by Mario Penna Foundation of Belo Horizonte for a Conference on Ozonetherapy: State of the Art, April 30, 2006.
Invited by “Torino” Foundation of Belo Horizonte for a Conference on Ozonetherapy and Integrative Medicine, September 2006.
Professor and Lecturer on Ozone Therapy and its Medical Uses in Sport and other Pain related disorders performed Courses in the USA (Phil Mollica ODS Center January 2008), in the Italian Courses organized by FIO, in Dubai (CAM service of Minister of Health, 2005-2008).
Invited as Expert International in Ozonoterapie at the “Casa Adam Muller”, Guttembrunn Timisoara, Rumania to take part at a conference on Ozone Application in October 26th 2006.
Invited as Chairman at the “International Congress” on “Ozone in Medicine”, European Cooperation of Medical Ozone Societies, Baden-Baden, November 1st 2008.
Invited as Speaker at the Primer Congreso Internacional de Aepromo “Nuevos Horizontes Para la Ozonoterapia”, Pontevedra, Spain, June 5th 2009.
Participated as Lecturer at the last IOA international Congress of Tokyo, September 2009.
Invited from the Medical Committee of the Egyptian Navy Alessandria, to the 4th Annual Scientific Conference of Naval & Hyperbaric Medicine, Ozone as helpful agent (November 2009).
Invited to be part of the Scientific Committee, and as a speaker at the “International Encounter of Ozone Therapy School” held at the headquarters of the National Royal Academy of Medicine (RANM for its acronym in Spanish) located in the capital of the Kingdom of Spain, on Thursday the 3rd and Friday the 4th of June 2010. Event declared of “Health Interest” he has been one of the active Promoting Members of the Madrid Declaration on Ozone Therapy towards the aim of setting worldwide measures how to practice ozone therapy to prevent its misuse and fulfilling the maximum benefit.
In the last years participated upon invitation as speaker and chairman to the most important international events in the field of Ozone application included Mexico 2010, Brescia 2011, Istanbul 2011, Rio de Janeiro 2011.
Invited in the year 2011 from the Court of Arbitration of Sport in Losanna to clarify the effects of ozone in the Sport and in the doping context. The question was discussed at the Court of Lausanne where we clarify to the Judges and to the experts of the Italian Committee (CONI) the scientific data concerning ozone therapy with the conclusion sentence that so far ozone could not be included into the forbidden substances as seen in the Art. 3 of the WADA Code.
Invited to the “Advances in Evidence Based Integrative Medicine” Held in Dubai, Dubai Healthcare City, 17 May 2012.
Invited as Speaker at the first international symposium on ozone therapy held at the Medical Faculty of the University of Chile, Santiago, October 12-13, 2012.
Awarded at the VI FIO National Congress with “Prize Francesco Riccardo Monti” II Edition, Thursday May 9th , 2013, Accademia dei Georgofili, Loggiato degli Uffizi Corti, Florence, Italy.
Invited as Chairman and Speaker at the IV WCOOT held in Bueno Aires, Argentina, October 30th , November 1st 2013.
Member of the Italian Pharmacological Society since 1978.
Member of the Italian Applied and Pure Biophysics Society since 1978.
Member of the Italian Experimental Biology Society since 1980.
Member of the Latin American Natural and Traditional Medicine Society since 1994.
Member of the Italian Federation of Oxygen-Ozone Therapy (FIO) since June 2003. Elected in the Board since December 2005.
Member of the “Asociacion Espanola de Profesionales Medicos en Ozonoterapia” (AEPROMO) from 2009.
Member of the ISCO3 Board since its Foundation in 2010.
Author of 199 publications in extenso; among these 129 on international journals and cited in the Journal Citation Reports with a mean impact factor of 2.05.
Since 1996 published 55 scientific works on the pharmacology characterization of ozone and its clinical approach.
Languages: English, written and spoken; Spanish, spoken.